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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  November 21, 2012 6:00am-7:00am PST

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more rain on the radar. but we'll tell you when these showers will sub side and what it means for your thanksgiving. very tough driving conditions. a number accidents, two sig alerts. a live look outside this morning. welcome, wednesday, november 21st. this is "today in the bay." good morning. thanks for joining us. i'm laura garcia-cannon. >> i'm jon kelley. we are watching the weather as holiday travel gets under way. we have a live look at the bay bridge and the golden gate bridge. people will soon be taking to the skies and they'll be getting out on those roads. one of the busiest travel days of the year. take a look at this packed security line. new york city. this is from la guardia's
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airport this morning. if you're about to take off on your own on a holiday getaway, congratulations. we have a team in place with what you need to know before you head out the front door. mike is watching the roads, christina is watching the forecast. we start with christy smith live at sfo. a lot of people have been sleeping there overnight trying to catch their morning flight. >> reporter: sleeping, watching movies. trying to pass the time. people starting to double park here at the curbside drop-off. security lines getting much longer inside. frustrating delays here yesterday. i just spoke with the manager and he tells me so far, so good this morning. they're on time but many travelers just said, you know what, i'm not taking any chances. they got here early enough to sleep in the terminal as the security gates opened this
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morning. terminal 2 is the busy place with virgin america having several early flights this morning. this year, sfo expecting a record passenger rate. that was enough to get travelers up and out. i spoke with one woman who arrived three hours early just for a short hop to l.a. >> to be with my family. i'm excited to be here early, knowing there's so many people here. so i'd rather be early. expecting a lot of people. >> reporter: so i just checked the arrival and departure board showing on-time flights this morning. i only saw two delays, from flights coming in from east coast. the duty manager says they should know more about 7:00 this morning if they're going to have ground delays. that's when they have 30 flights taking off instead of the normal 6 because the low ceiling. and they say they are anticipating having that happen.
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reporting live, christy smith, "today in the bay." want to check in with meteorologist christina loren. a lot of people are heading out the door. >> a lot of people heading into town as well. this is going to be one of best places to enjoy the holiday. let's show you a good looking shot at san francisco. we're looking pretty good. shower activity for the most part has pushed into the south bay. however, we're still getting some pretty heavy rain from time to time along the peninsula. you want to give yourself plenty of section straw time. let's find out if this wet weather is impacting your drive so far. the man who knows, our own mike. >> we've had a number of accidents reported. the bay bridge.
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the puddles and slick conditions. getting crowded as well. the map shows you the city side. there's a little flooding getting off of the bay bridge. i've circled 101 at the 280 interchange where there's a disabled car. as well as reports of a car fire. taking another 20 minutes to clear. the green highlights through the area shows you where there's smooth conditions. now, an accident, 280 at 380. may cause an issue just as you approach the connector. activity moving to the shoulder without any further incidents. south 101. they just cleared the sig alert status. activity still on the shoulder. we had two incidents causing quite a stir in both directions just north of 92. now it's calmer. we also have reports of a disabled vehicle coming over.
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water kicks up off the roadways today as well. i got an update on the sig alert on the east bay as well. >> new this morning on the international scene, two afghan guards now dead in what appears to be an attempt to attack the u.s. base in the capital city of kabul. afghan security reportedly saw two men wearing suicide vets as they approach camp eggers on foot. the men detonated their vests when security guards started shooting at them. the taliban is claiming responsibility for the bombing. a developing story along the gaza strip. a bomb explodes on board a bus near israel's military headquarters in tel aviv. injuring at least a dozen people. this, as israel continues a week-long series of air strikes aimed across the border into gaza city. monitoring all the overnight developments for us. >> officials in tel aviv
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confirmed to nbc news a total of 19 people were hurt in that bus blast. this morning, the hunt for the suspects continues. the windows completely shattered. here's the man, reportedly left an explosive device before running away. no one is owning the blast just yet. officials say people are celebrating in the streets of gaza. also in gaza, dozens more rocket blasts just like this overnight, coming from israel. secretary of state clinton is currently meeting with egypt's president in cairo, hoping to broker a deal. experts say this particular meeting could impact our relationship with egypt. >> either decides he's going to try to control hamas or he's not. if he doesn't, we can pull the
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plug on assistance. >> remember, a cease-fire was supposed to happen yesterday. instead, the death toll with more than 150 palestinians killed. dozens of them civilians. compared to 5 israelis. just coming across the wire right now, a u.n. aid agency says some 10,000 gazans have evacuated their homes and are staying in u.n.-run schools after the israeli military dropped off leaflet, warning them to evacuate there. a very scary reality. >> thank you very much. closer to home, an oakland man found dead after an hours long search and rescue effort. this all happened at the old rock kwoquarry in oakland. the man's roommate called 911 after he'd been gone for more than an hour. they live in a condo with no backyard and a balcony that overlooks the water-filled quarry 100 feet below. the man had gone out looking for
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his cat. unfortunately, never came back. divers from the sheriff's office searched that water until finding the man's body at about 12:00 this morning. the fire department at this hour is not releasing the man's name. 6:08 this morning. the man accused ofburg glarizing the late steve job's home is expected to be in court. he was arrested in august but his hearing has been delayed. he has yet to enter a plea. investigators say mcfarland confessed to using a spare key. found at the waverly street property, which was under construction at the time, to steal jewelry. if convicted, he could face eight years in prison. nurses 4 are on strike for a second day, demanding a new contract with sutter health. 3,300 nurses and technicians walking off the job yesterday at hospitals from oakland to castro
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valley. at issue, salary increases, sick days and requiring nurses to pay for their own health care. all those hospitals have hired replacement nurses during this strike. 6:09. lots of people coming and going today. want to check the forecast now. meteorologist christina loren. >> early showers are subsiding. taking a live look at the upper deck. you can see, still a little bit misty. about noon today, we will have breaks in sunshine. we finish the day off with clear conditions. this morning, it is quickly coming out. as we head throughout the day, it's going to continue to lift, so you don't have to travel with the rain. that's the good news for your drive. temperatures are also very mild to start. we're at 59 degrees in san francisco. close to 60 in napa. 57 in san jose.
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the forecast tells the story. we'll be at 66 degrees. full sunshine at inland. that's your weather. let's take a look at your drive. >> as we give folks a nice look at the roadway. we'll go to oakland. sloppy conditions. it's tough to see the road. also, the water will kick up, right on your windshield. you have to use the windshields wipers whether or not it's raining. we'll show you south, castro valley y. showing a slowdown. again, the build pretty typical through this pattern. a little bit lighter on this wednesday. the green highlighted on your maps, that's where we definitely have wet surface conditions. we're showing a few more areas with a little bit more -- a little drier conditions.
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the earlier sig alert, looks like all lanes are cleared. westbound, your commute direction is now starting to bog down. 6:11. much more ahead on "today in the bay." coming up, stocking up on snacks. why hopes for hostess is crumbling yet again.
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welcome back now and thanks for joining us on this thanksgiving eve. we do have a few showers left over. they are quickly clearing, as you can see from the radar. just a few showers surrounding the south bay. we'll tell you what's to come
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next in your full forecast. >> thank you very much. it is 6:15 right now. aaa estimating more than 43 million americans planning to travel over this thanksgiving weekend. 90% of them will be literally hitting the road and driving. >> san francisco's board of supervisors has approved a controversial nudity ban in the city. nudists say they'll fight it. it has to pass a court hearing before it can take effect. the last hope for twinkies appears to be failing. hostess says negotiations have followed through. the company heading back into bankruptcy proceedings.ek tccene run. he says he won't blog for a few days. >> yeah, a strange story. >> the blog is a fascinating
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peek into the mind of an unusual man. today, mcafee says he's running into some kind of trouble. he didn't say what and would go quiet for a few days. mcafee is wanted as a person of interest in the shooting death of his neighbor. police say he is not a suspect, though mcafee has had disputes with that neighbor before, often carries a gun and exhibits what many think of as very punusual behavior. hp shares fell 12% tuesday. ben bernanke says the fed cannot, will not, soften the blow of the economy going over the fiscal cliff. vermont senator patrick leahy this morning did another 180. reversed himself for the second time. in a controversy over the way police read people's e-mail. he at first said his office would craft a new law making it harder for police to see your e-mail without a warrant.
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this came after the fbi was able to read 10,000 e-mails between several u.s. generals and their lady friends without any warrant or even evidence of a crime. leahy said he'd put a stop to that. then under pressure from law enforcement leahy not only dropped the idea, he wrote a bill that would make easier. then twitter users got upset for that reversal. this morning, the senator said, you know what, never mind. >> ah, guess that's a politician's prerogative. >> 180/180/180. you do the math. >> the ultimate flip-flop. all right, scott, thank you very much. time to check that forecast with meteorologist loren. >> a stark contrast from yesterday. we had quite a bit of rainfall yesterday, overnight. this morning, a few light showers, mostly concentrated in the south bay. this is a very big travel day. people coming into town, headed out of town.
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and the front is headed out of town. it's not even going to impact california. as we head throughout the remainder of the day. it's moving, just racing into the four corners region. for us, this is all that's left over. want to zoom in, show you that last batch of rain located over the santa cruz mountains. 59 degrees in san francisco. good morning to you. 57 in san jose. it's going to be a comfortable day because we're starting out so mild. winds are expected to pick up later today. keep that in mind. we stop the clock at 8:00 a.m. still getting shower activity mostly on the western facing slopes. that's going to clear out quickly by noon. just a couple of spotty areas left over. by 2:00 p.m., the sun is shining over the greater bay area. as we wake up on thanksgiving morning, temperatures are going to be nice and comfortable. and we're talking about complete sunshine right off the bat with
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off shore flow. really something to be thankful for in the weather department. 65 degrees in livermore today. temperatures are going to be in the 60s. showers really cominge ining toe at about 10:00 a.m. for the greater bay area. as we head throughout friday, 69 degrees for black friday deals. it's going to be perfect out there as you're shopping. you're not going to have to race indoors. because of the showers. 71 degrees on saturday. comfortable conditions will persist all the way through the beginning of next week. so we're done with the rain for a while. let's check on your drive with mike. >> we have a lot of folks right here. commuting to work. as i look really closely at the cameras. i cannot see as many windshield wipers as they have in the last 20 minutes. things are calming down. but the map shows you. the green shows you the wet conditions. that would be an issue as far as the slick conditions on the
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roads. also, north 101 jams up from 680 that we just showed you up to oakland road where there's an accident moving on the shoulder. two or three cars may be involved so slows it coming into san jose. north 101 approaching 880, also slow it westbound 237, an accident just past lawrence expressway. this portion, we often hear about flooded local road, so keep track of it. so far, 237, that's okay. in the east bay, a slower drive. still eastbound an you pass through the earlier sig alert zone. but much improved. westbound, there's your commute. freemont, 880 itself, as you come down past the park sign, soupy conditions and the water kicking up making the blurry shot here. it's going to be issue for your visibility as well. the bay bridge shows the leftovers from the rain.
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the puddles. and now we have the cash lanes backed up. the bridge itself moving nicely. all these folks, these are cash payers. keep that in mind this afternoon. palo alto, the peninsula a little bit wet here. north in towards san mateo. the earlier alert has cleared. >> thank, mike. it is 6:21. coming up, the giants adding orange to your black friday. the world series champs. we'll tell you how you can score some tickets to next season's home games just ahead. plus, a live look at the market in san francisco. we will be covering holiday travel all morning long from across all the country including a look at miami. >> reporter: as you pack your patience and head out today for the busiest travel weekend of
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the year, the airport is already showing signs. here's the good news, florida, it's going to be gorgeous here, sunny and cool. about a high of 75, tomorrow, thanksgiving. a jacket is probably all you'll really need. that and a good itinerary. you may run into some traffic on the road. the holiday, shoppers banking on black holiday.
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welcome back, everybody. this is a live look for you on this prethanksgiving day feast. and also for the same price, two for one, this is a look at sonle in the early morning light. the sun peaks across the horizon there. it's going to be a nice one. it's 6:25. it's no longer just black friday. it's black and orange friday. fresh off their world series win, the san francisco giants are putting single game tickets on sale at 10:00 a.m. friday morning for the 2013 season. cities will be available. except those opening weekend
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games. tickets will be on sale through midnight on christmas eve. >> they will be world series champs all year. a pair of lucky birds get a presidential pardon today. president obama will save two turkeys. this is a look at last year's pardon. it is that tradition when the president's pardon the turkeys. they also do the day before thanksgiving. lucky bird. >> they will be partying all weekend long. still ahead, rebounding from fraud and recouping, hoping to recoup billions of dollars. >> we'll tell you if hp can bounce back from the disastrous showing as the markets get ready to open.
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and holiday travel, we'll let you know how much it will cost you to fuel up. it normally cost a pretty penny to go across the bay bridge but what is it going to take in time this morning? we'll check in with mike. what are you doing there? i am making crescent bacon cheddar pinwheels. wow, i'm impressed! [ ding ] dad, the cable's out! you got that right? [ kiss ] thank you ♪ [ male announcer ] pillsbury crescents.
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let the making begin. here's a better idea. pillsbury grands! flaky layers biscuits in just 15 minutes the light delicate layers add a layer of warmth to your next dinner. pillsbury grands biscuits let the making begin. oh, it's great! now i can brew my coffee just the way i love it. how do you do that? well, inside the brewer, there's this train that's powerful enough to carry more coffee and fresh water to make coffee that's stronger and bigger... and even hotter! actually, i just press this button. brew the coffee you love -- stronger, bigger, or hotter -- with the keurig vue.
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one of the busiest travel days of the year. what you can expect whether you're flying or hitting the road. wall street still talking about that hp billion dollar bust. it affects the market. it is not good. santa claus up there, help ringing them in. can silicon valley and the tech company bounce back? opening bell. it is tuesday -- actually, it's wednesday, isn't it, november 21st. this is "today in the bay."
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talking thanksgiving and we got christmas out there. 6:30. good morning, everybody, i'm jon kelley. >> i'm laura garcia-cannon. this morning, palo alto's hp hoping to bounce back from the brink after a disastrous day on wall street. yesterday, hp publicly accused the company autonomy of lying about its performance before hp bought it for more than $11 billion. we're joined by business and tech reporter scott mcgrew. hp stocks just started trading. >> just a couple seconds ago. it's down already 11 cents. it was down 12% yesterday. down about 1% this morning. also new this morning, the fbi is getting involved. this, according to bloomberg. this will be the second agency involved. yesterday, ceo meg whitman told nbc she has asked the sec to
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investigate after hp says it discovered deliberate accounting irregularities in its purchase of that british company autonomy. deliberate accounting irregularities -- that's a po lo polite way of saying they being couped the books. cooked the books. whitman was not ceo of the time of the deal, she was on the board, and in most cases, $8 billion goof would probably lead to resignations. but resignations and firings at hp are so common you could probably argue that's probably the last thing the company needs now. the company down about 1% in the first minute of trading. we're also watching that weather. as holiday travel gets under way. we have a live look for you at san jose. also oakland and san francisco. where airline passengers are already heading out, trying to catch those flights.
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of course, this is the busiest travel day of the year. as we give you a live look at fso where people are starting to go to catch flights. please enjoy and please be safe out there. we have a team in place to help you before you head out the door. bob riddle and mike are watching the roads. christina loren is watching the forecast. >> good morning to you at home. if you are traveling today, as millions of people will be, you just want to be advised, there's still wet conditions across the bay area. showers in the south bay. along 17, watch out for slick conditions there. you're going to find wet roadways. trying to get into southern california though isn't going to be a big issue because the rain system's moving to the northwest. it's going to take the rain with
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it. low pressure as it moves into the four corners region. weather conditions improving. we will be left with downright sinful weather as we head throughout your thanksgiving day. some of the best condition, across the entire nation right here in the bay area. stay tuned for that forecast. first, let's check on your drive. 6:33 on a wednesday. >> prethanksgiving wednesday. we expect a lighter volume. overall, that's what we see. at 680, it's jammed up. even though the rain has stopped, we see less windshield wipers. oakland road, there was an original accident involved two or three cars. another one reported in the approaching lane so that will cause additional slowing. the green means there may be significant roadway moisture. meaning slick roadways through the area. an accident right around the 101
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interchange. we're going to look at oakland as we travel further north. we see slowing in the northbound direction. also, the blur. because there's moisture in the air. water kicking up after the rain has passed through. a big concern, especially off ramps with highway speed. now, we showed you the backup at the toll plaza earlier. that's been kicked off because of all these lights. it goes back to about west grand avenue now. if you're heading out of the area, there are no chain requires, but we're saying bring them anyway because you never know. we're talking about people heading out for the holiday season. our own bob riddle is also out there. a lot of folks hitting the roadways. what do you have as far as their concerns? >> well, we're going to see more people this year. good morning to you, as we head through san jose. this is before thanksgiving.
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aaa is predicting more on the roads. almost 5.5 million californians will travel 50 miles or more for this holiday weekend. that's about half a percent of an increase over last year. the majority traveling by car. gas prices have certainly come down enough to make it more affordable to do so. not as expensive as it was a month ago. the latest overnight numbers from aaa. an average gallon of gas, oakland in the 370 range. san francisco, mid380s. you compare that to just 30 days ago. you're looking at a drop of 70 cents. so substantially down. you compare those numbers to last thanksgiving. roughly about the same. you're going to be paying around $3.70 for a gallon if you're heading out. it is raining out here, at least in the south bay. as meteorologist christina loren
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has been saying, this rain is supposed to let up later in the morning. maybe around 10:00, 11:00 hour. reporting live, bob rydell, today in the bay. it is 6:36. still ahead, we'll let you know what you need to know as you head up and pack up that bag. this is the busiest travel day of the year. all morning long, we've been covering your holiday travel. right now, let's take a look at la guardia airport in new york city. >> reporter: moogood morning. there are actually fewer people traveling by air compared to last year but, you know what, here in the new york city area, we're seeing the opposite. as i get out of the way, you can take a look at further down the hallway, after the security checkpoint, lines are long. they actually stretch down the hallway. if you are flying here, definitely expect company at the baggage claim, while getting in
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a taxi or even using our mass transit. officials expect 1.5 million passenger s to fly through the major airports here. the bridges and tunnels will most likely come with delays. especially since most morns are driving to their holiday destination this year. if you find yourself in manhattan, there will be crowded streets, detours today and tomorrow. in certain areas of the city. that all comes along with the macy's thanksgiving day parade. another good thing to keep in mind, if you have family coming into this area and they need a car, call ahead. a lot of rental places don't have any. that's because a lot people lost their cars during sandy so good idea to plan for that.
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welcome back. busy travel day. showers clearing out just in time for you to hit the highway safely. as i widen out, show you the entire bay area. you can see, not a whole lot of rain leftover. what is left over is sizzlie f quickly. back to you guys. san jose police on the scene of a hit and run. hit while walking in the intersection of jackson and story in east san jose. there is a closure in place at that intersection. we're now finding out that vta
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not involved in the crash but has rerouted a bus line, bus line 70. there is no word on the pedestri pedestrian's condition or how long the intersection will be closed. coming up, first, attacks by air, and now attacks on the ground in israel. the bus explosion that could escalate the tension and violence along gaza strip. we'll have that and more just ahead. hewlett-packard stock this close to turning to the positive. we'll have the latest on the financial debacle.
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this morning, we are watching the weather. we take a live look at oakland
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this morning. a city that will see plenty of holiday travel at its airports today. also, a live look at the bay bridge, san jose, san francisco and the golden gate bridge. people taking to the skies and the roads on this day before thanksgiving. today, of course, one of the busiest travel days of the year. check out the packed security lines this morning. in this new video, a shot at the miami international airport. we have a team in place with what you need to know before you head out that front door. mike is watching the roads. meteorologist christina loren. and we begin at the airport where some flyers have been sleeping over to catch morning flights. >> reporter: sleeping, whatever they have to do, until those security gates opened at 4:30 this morning. we're starting to see bumper to bumper traffic as people are dropping people off at the curb. once you get inside, you
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understand why some people arrived three hours early. one man stopped in his tracks when he saw it. this is the busy terminal, early in the morning, with several flights heading out. this holiday season, fso is expecting a record passenger load of 3% from this time last year. from last friday through sunday. i just spoke with a man who was trying to go to southern california who thought his early departure would beat all this. where you going? do you expect this line? >> going to los angeles. i wasn't expecting this at all. >> reporter: what do you think? >> it's ridiculous. i can't -- i know. it's outrageous. >> reporter: the duty manager i spoke with this morning said so far so good with keeping on time despite all the rain that has been happening all morning.
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still raining here now. the faa website they rely on is still down but they're anticipating they might have some delays sometime after 8:00 this morning. they should have better information after 7:00. reporting live at fso, christy smith, "today in the bay." >> watching all those lines out there in the rain, i'm glad we're inside, safe and dry. >> we'll be here to help you stuff that turkey till about 7:00 a.m. we've got the parade happening. the mass macy's thanksgiving da parade right here on nbc bay area. i think they're going to run it twice so if you miss it the first time, you'll have another opportunity. what's happening as these showers move out and high pressure starts to move in, all that moisture getting compressed to the surface. we have fog expecting flight delays. as i wide be out an out and sto
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clock, you can see the activity lingering around the south bay. that's when the sun starts to break through the clouds. by noon today, just a little bit of spotty activity. as we head throughout the second half of the day, then we wake up thanksgiving morning, 5:00 a.m., full sunshine. beautiful conditions over the greater bay area to start tomorrow just after sunshine. so, if you will be out and about for black friday shopping, that starts on thursday, at 8:00 p.m., walmart, sears, kmart, toys "r" us. target, 59 degrees. if you're heading out and about to cash in on deals. if you're going to hold off until friday morning, temperatures are still not going to be as bad. a little chilly up in the north bay but not too bad. a lot of tree lighting happening as we head through friday night. i have been the honored hostess.
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i get to do the gihradeli square tree. a north wind, it's going to feel a little bit more like the 50s. make sure you bring coats. santa, i understand, will be making an appearance. taking a break from his busy schedule. 65 degrees in livermore. temperatures not too bad considering we had a storm system roll through. 63 in san jose. 65 degrees in los garos. if you wanted to get any traveling done, heading over to grandma's house should be easy. sunny conditions. a warm-up on the way through saturday. 67, bay side. 66 at the coast. you can hit the beach this weekend. 6:48. let's look at your drive with mike. >> a quick look outside. murky conditions over here. the southbound shows you a great deal of headlights now. not a lot of slowing. we'll get a look at the map.
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we'll also see how things are shaping up into the city. a smooth drive over the bay bridge from the toll plaza. you have mild flooding reported at some on and off ramps. for most of the rain through the area, that highlighted green, we saw earlier, that has cleared from the maps. bart reporting 10 to 15 minute delays out of daily city because of mechanical difficulties. 101, 85, especially 101 coming up from the toll lane to 880 and the airport. two accidents earlier here. that has caused slowing but they've moved out of the roadway. the wet conditions continue. down 680, we're showing a smooth drive. look at this, the rain lets up, a lot of moisture in the air. low clouds and some fog in spots reported. coming out of the hills, into freemont. might be a little concern for
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visibility over the next hour or so. keep that in mind. we'll get a look at emeryville. a nice smooth drive. the pace still into the 50s as you head through berkeley. watch the off ramps. guys, back to you. >> all right, mike, thank you very much. as you get set to jump behind the wheel, we suggest you pack a little extra patience. maybe a lot of patience. that's because millions of people are planning to travel for the thanksgiving holiday and most of them will be out there driving. "today in the bay's" bob rydell is out on the road for us. still early, how are things looking out there? >> reporter: well, they're expecting around 4.7 million californians on the road this holiday weekend according to aaa. it's definitely wet and rainy. a couple of things, 580
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westbound through livermore, that new outlet mall has opened. there's been a lot of traffic out there because people are going to check out this new shopping center. >> unfortunately, we have lost bob rydell out there, just had a signal issue. we will hopefully try to check back in. it's going to be busy out there. if you're going out, drive safely. >> we have an update to breaking news. police are now confirming a hit and run in san jose is deadly. a pedestrian was hit while walking into the intersection of jackson and story in east san jose. there's actually a closure in place. vta has rerouted a bus line, bus line 70. vta is not involved in the accident, they're just rerouting that line. there's no word on how long it will be cloebsed. india has executed the lone
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surviving gunman. from a '08 terror attack in mumbai. he was killed by hanging earlier this morning. he and other gunman entered mumbai on a boat nearly four years ago, fanning out, across the city, targeting luxury hotels, a jewish center and the city's main train station. the attacks lasted three days and killed 166 people. an update to a developing story. along the gaza strip this morning. a bomb explodes on a bus in tel aviv. it injured at least a dozen people. this as israel continued the week-long series of air strikes across the border into gaza city. now, the latest developments. >> in her travel, secretary of state hillary clinton got word of the bus blast in tel aviv. she released a statement saying the u.s. strongly condemns it. a statement from the white house backs that up. just into our newsroom.
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that statement that reads, in part, and i quote, the united states will stand with our israeli allies and provides whatever assistance is necessary to buy to justice the perpetrators of this attack. no one waskill in t killed in the attack. a total of 19 people rushed to the hospital. 3 with serious injuries. officials say hamas has not claimed responsibility but they are praising the blast. as israeli police investigate and look for a suspect. >> we're not taking any chances whatsoever in order to prevent further attacks from taking place. >> as for the fighting in the air, rocket explosions continue in gaza where israel fired at least 30 rockets overnight and troops are stationed at the gaza border ready to target hamas if necessary.
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a ground invasion is still a very real possibility. the death toll right this moment stands at more than 130 palestinians killed. more than 1,000 ininjured. secretary clinton is meeting with president of egypt in cairo to try to reach a peace agreement. we'll bring you the very latest during our 11:00 a.m. newscast. jon. president obama back home this morning after a three-day tour of southeast asia. he returned to washington early this morning. president obama becoming the very first president to visit myanmar. he also toured cambodia and thailand. fbi agents now investigating hewlett pack card's financial debacle. >> this, according to bloomberg. scott mcgrew, you said -- well, you expected a criminal investigation. hp did accuse autonomy of deliberately hiding important
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facts before hp bought the company. it's the second american agency to be mentioned in connection with this case. yesterday, hp ceo meg whitman told nbc she did ask for help from the securities and enchange commission and the british agency in charge of investigating financial fraud. hp claims autonomy faked numbers. hp shares fell 12% yesterday on those blockbuster accusations. we've got kids on the nasdaq, santa on wall street and the new york stock exchange. shortened trading day this week. no markets tomorrow. half day friday. traditionally, absolutely no one buy s or sells anything on that half day. back to you. >> time for one final check with christina loreloren. >> i think this wet weather is going to cause some slight
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delays. what's happening is the rain showers, low pressure, is clearing. now we are left with so pretty thick fog and it's generating a steady drizzle. keep that in mind. give yourself some extra time. it's going to take about 5 to 10 minutes longer to get across the bay bridge. showers are still hanging around the san jose area. most of the activity right now concentrated around the western facing slopes. front is clearing out quickly. as i zoom in for you, you can see just a few very light spotty cells around san jose. so looking good for today. looking good for your friends and family who might be coming to town. 62 degrees at the coast today. the temperatures are going to be mild. we have a warm-up on the way. if you miss that seven-day, don't fear. we'll have it up for you every 15 minutes throughout the "today" show. also, we'll track the leftovers of those showers and any flight delays that may pop up.
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let's talk about your current drive. leftovers from the showers. that's called puddles. and water on the road. a couple of accidents north of 680 and 101 interchange. we're also talking that pedestrian that was hit and killed by story and jackson. the intersection tied up for the investigation. also, vta line 70 bus line rerouted for a short distance around that intersection. northbound 101. the backup there. 280 and 285. the lighter commute. we still have it for the west south bay here. show you the san mateo bridge. as we show there's a good deal of kind of mist and fog in many places. the rain fogs o fog, the moistu clears out. for the drivers, you're okay, but you can't see much beyond what you need to see beyond a good stopping distance. it does move smoothly to and
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from the peninsula side as well. toll plaza with that very light volume that shows up over the last 15 minutes. wet here. christina wisely said slow down and a lot of extra time heading over the span. the accident happened just moments ago. actually stopping folks coming down from berkeley. clear to the berkeley toll plaza. an update to the breaking news. police now confirming a hit and run in san jose is deadly. a pedestrian was hit while walking near the intersection of jackson and story in east san jose and there is a closure in place at that intersection. vta has rerouted a bus line, bus line 70. vta was not involved in the accident, they're just having to reroute the bus. there's no word on how long the intersection will be closed. we'll pass on information as long as we get it during the
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"today" show. >> and one last check on the day's top stories. a suspect right now on the weekend violent crime spree is making a first court appearance today. accused of murder, attempted murder and robbery. police still looking for a second suspect. a marine shot and killed by palm springs officers will be buried later today. family and friends say they want justice for corporal allen de la vina who was allegedly shot and killed for allegedly driving into an officer in a parking garage. and san francisco's board of supervisors approving a controversial nudity ban in the city. nudists say they will fight the decision. it still has to pass a second reading before it can take effect. local news update every half hour. have a great morning. good morning.


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